) Cancellation & Refund - JBS

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy

Any orders that have been paid for or placed for Cash on Delivery can be cancelled for a full refund before they are dispatched from our facilities. The amount will be refunded to the payment method used to pay when booking the order. Usually, the refund amount is received back in 3-7 working days. In case it takes longer, please feel free to contact your payment provider or us.

Once the order has been dispatched, it cannot be canceled for a refund. In case the customer/buyer refuses to accept the order at the time of delivery, they are liable to pay the delivery charges from and to our warehouse. For prepaid orders, this charge will be deducted from the order amount before any refunds are made.

Order can be cancelled by the below mentioned Communication channel:

  • You may direct cancel your order through online mode; or
  • You may connect with our customer care executive for cancellation of your order.

Refund & Return Policy

  • If you have received the order and are unhappy with any of the product, we will happily refund the money, provided that you inform us of your intention regarding the products within 3 working days from the date the order being delivered.
  • The Customer shall also be entitled to a refund of proportionate value in the event packaging of an item in an Order or the complete Order, is either tampered or damaged and the Customer refuses to accept at the time of delivery for the said reason.
  • Customer may be entitled to a refund upto 100% of the Order value if PDP (Pick-up and Delivery Partner) fails to deliver the Order due to a cause attributable to either PDP or JBS, however such refunds will be assessed on a case to case basis by JBS.
  • For initiating the refund of the damaged products, please contact us via mail or WhatsApp and send us the images/snapshots of the same. Once our refund section receives the images and verifies the product, we will arrange for a refund as the case may be.
  • If the Refund Request is accepted, refunds will be made in the same form that the payment is received within 5-7 working days.